
A cosmic space defined by a set a physics which contains all of existence.

Dimensions and Planes

Often, protagonist(s) exist in a dimension that is similar to our own – where physics (including time and entropy) works the same. Sometimes, they exist in a dimension that is similar but with slightly altered physics to account for the supernatural or magic. Either way, in a CQ StoryHammer game, this default dimension for protagonists is … Read moreDimensions and Planes

Draw Overview (version 0.0.3)

When attempting to perform an action or challenge, players will often need to draw some cards to determine the outcome. The number of cards drawn is determined the ability score associated with the action. For instance, if a player is trying to outrun a beast, they would draw a number of cards equal to the … Read moreDraw Overview (version 0.0.3)

Environmental Traits

Environments and locations have traits that can affect the the performance of certain types of abilities. An icy bridge, for example, would alter the rules of movement for characters who aren’t equipped to negate slippery effects (such as with spiked shoes). These traits will sometimes affect the difficulties of certain actions. Below is a list … Read moreEnvironmental Traits

Establishing the Setting

The setting is typically established in three different ways, correlating with three different levels of narrative: Beginning of the story; First in the act; and, Beginning of the scene. Beginning of Story Once the story first begins, it’s important to establish the overall setting with the players so they can grasp the tone for the … Read moreEstablishing the Setting

Free Actions (version 0.0.3)

There are several actions that do not require a draw and can be done simultaneously with your turn. These actions include activating and deactivating passive relics as well as communicating psychically or verbally. There may be times when the Narrator will deem that a free action is not free. This could be due to unusual … Read moreFree Actions (version 0.0.3)

Generic Human

A basic human that would be considered untrained/uneducated in the action they were about to perform.

Hosting a Session

When players come together for a session, the Narrator facilitates the event. No session is the same nor is every group the same: groups will have different styles, goals, and time frames. However, the following agenda is a suggestion based on best practices; consider it a template that can be customized for your needs. Suggested … Read moreHosting a Session