
A filtered layer within the dimension that excludes or includes content and physics.

Planning Instructions

Planning with the CQ StoryHammer crafting methodology requires three different areas to jot down information. This can be done with paper and writing utensil or digitally – either way works fine as long as you allow yourself three separate areas for containing information. The areas should be titled: Plot Puzzles, Concepts, and Elements. Cryptiquest has … Read morePlanning Instructions

Planning Overview

The first step for crafting is to plan. The goal of planning is to identify “plot puzzles” and build out the idea before crafting. Another way to put this: the goal of planning is to research to the point where the story, setting, or other content becomes clear. Or simply put, the goal of planning … Read morePlanning Overview

Planning Setting Instructions

Planning your setting with the CQ StoryHammer crafting methodology requires three different areas to jot down information. This can be done with paper and writing utensil or digitally – either way works fine as long as you allow yourself three separate areas for containing information. The areas should be titled: Plot Puzzles, Concepts, and Elements. … Read morePlanning Setting Instructions