Main Component: The Story

Aside from players (and a set of rules), the number one component needed for a CQ StoryHammer game is a “story.” But not just any story will do. Stories that work best for CQ StoryHammer games are one-sided and plot-driven; that is to say, the plot would unfold the same way regardless of the type of … Read moreMain Component: The Story

Narrating A Setting

As the Narrator, one of your main duties is to explain to the Lead(s) what the protagonist(s) sense and their surroundings. Not only does this help the players become immersed in the story, it may very well provide clues to how a player should (or should not) move forward. Players know nothing about their character’s … Read moreNarrating A Setting

Navigating Settings

Space and Measurement Measuring space can be an important part of planning a scene. Many weapons and actions require knowledge of the distance of targets. Tracking distance in StoryHammer is composed of two units: zone(s) and range(s). Both of these units are abstract and based on context with specific rules involved. Zones A lot of actions have … Read moreNavigating Settings

Navigating Zones

Typically, if a scene calls for conflict, the Setting Sheet will designate zones for the scene. These zones can be drawn on paper though it’s recommended to use 3″ by 5″ index cards. For each zone, write its name on an index card (feel free to cross out names and reuse the cards). These zones … Read moreNavigating Zones

Obtaining a Story

StoryHammer will come with a pre-made story that will double as a tutorial – teaching the rules of the game while taking players on an immersive adventure. In addition, separate adventures will be launched by Cryptiquest, LLC for generic settings as well as stories for Cryptiquest brands like Imbue and Copperwealth (which both utilize the CQ … Read moreObtaining a Story

Overview of Narrating

The main job of the Narrator is to facilitate the game play by narrating the setting and interpreting rules.  But these are not the only jobs as the Narrator is also the host, the researcher, the scheduler, and the rule clarifier. There is a lot of responsibility for the Narrator but there are also tools … Read moreOverview of Narrating


A filtered layer within the dimension that excludes or includes content and physics.