Developer’s Log
Take a peek into developer, Luke Reynolds’s mind as he works on the CQ StoryHammer game system.
Take a peek into developer, Luke Reynolds’s mind as he works on the CQ StoryHammer game system.
Often, protagonist(s) exist in a dimension that is similar to our own – where physics (including time and entropy) works the same. Sometimes, they exist in a dimension that is similar but with slightly altered physics to account for the supernatural or magic. Either way, in a CQ StoryHammer game, this default dimension for protagonists is … Read moreDimensions and Planes
As the Narrator, one of your main duties is to explain to the Lead(s) what the protagonist(s) sense and their surroundings. Not only does this help the players become immersed in the story, it may very well provide clues to how a player should (or should not) move forward. Players know nothing about their character’s … Read moreNarrating A Setting
As biological needs become more demanding, you will need to take alleviating action or suffer severe consequences from becoming weak, unconscious, or even death. Recovering vim is done in a variety of ways depending on the type of biological need. Hunger is satiated by way of nourishment, Fatigue can be alleviated by way of rest, … Read moreRecovering Vim
Biological timers reduce Vim over time in order to accommodate the basic needs of the body. The two biological timers are known as Hunger and Fatigue. As time progresses in the game world, the biological timers “tick”, causing vim output to be reduced. The Hunger timer ticks every hour (in-game), moving 1 vim from Life … Read moreBiological Timers
For tracking your vim, it’s recommended that you use the Vim Tracking Sheet provided here. In addition, you should use counters in the form of coins, washers, or other flat, stackable tokens. You will need about 25 counters. The Max Vim you have is equal to the sum of the scores of your Move, Think, … Read moreA Tour of the Vim Tracking Sheet
Vim is generated every turn and is distributed throughout the body to support core life systems and fight diseases. Remaining vim is available for performing actions. Vim cannot be stored from turn to turn so any unused vim disappears in the form of heat. The total amount of vim generated per turn varies depending on … Read moreHow Vim Works
Custom sets of traits can be created following three simple rules: Each character sheet within a species has the same list of traits. Those traits can each have a possible score of 0 – 3. Each character has a maximum number of Trait points = (“number of traits” + 1) to distribute. Note that since … Read moreCustomizing Traits
Each Lead should have one Protagonist Sheet, one Vim Tracking Sheet, about 25 counters, and a Probability Deck. Players may use pencil & paper instead of counters, if necessary. The Narrator will have the story at hand and should try to keep it and related information concealed from the Leads. Index cards are very useful … Read moreUsing Game Materials
StoryHammer Rules A Story Protagonist Sheets (1 per player) Vim Tracking Sheets (1 per player) Decks of standard playing cards (1 deck per player) Counters – (about 25 per player) (pennies or washers work best – they should be stackable and no wider than .75” or 20mm) Index Cards or Scrap paper and writing utensils