Recovering Vim

As biological needs become more demanding, you will need to take alleviating action or suffer severe consequences from becoming weak, unconscious, or even death. Recovering vim is done in a variety of ways depending on the type of biological need. Hunger is satiated by way of nourishment, Fatigue can be alleviated by way of rest, and Clot can be depleted by way of healing.

Naturally Healing Clot

Clot can naturally heal at a rate of 1 vim per Clot4 turns (that’s the value of Clot to the power of 4). That means if you have one Clot, then it will take one full turn to heal that Clot. If you have two clot, then it takes 16 full turns to heal one clot.

Amount of Clot and number of turns until one vim is naturally healed


Clot Level Awake Time Dormant Time Medic Time
1 5 – 8 seconds
2 1.5 – 2 minutes 48 – 64 seconds 20 – 30 seconds
3 8 – 11 minutes 3 – 4 minutes 50 – 60 seconds
4 25 – 34 minutes 6.5 – 9 minutes 1 – 2 minutes
5 1 – 1.5 hours 13 – 17 minutes 2.5 – 3 minutes
6 2 – 3 hours 22 – 29 minutes 3.5 – 5 minutes
7 4 – 5.5 hours 34 – 46 minutes 5 – 6.5 minutes
8 6.5 – 9 hours 51 – 60 minutes 6.5 – 8 minutes
9 11 – 15 hours 1 – 1.5 hours 8 – 10 minutes
10 17 – 22 hours 1.5 – 2 hours 10 – 12 minutes
11 1 – 1.5 days 2 – 3 hours 12 – 13 minutes
12 1.5 – 2 days 3 – 4 hours 13 – 17 minutes
13 2 – 2.5 days 4 – 5 hours 17 – 21 minutes
14 2.5 – 3.5 days 5 – 6 hours 21 – 25 minutes
15 3.5 – 4.5 days 6 – 7.5 hours 25 – 30 minutes
16 4.5 – 6 days 7.5 – 9 hours 30 – 35 minutes
17 6 – 8 days 9 – 11 hours 35 – 40 minutes
18 8 – 10 days 11 – 13 hours 40 – 45 minutes
19 10 to 12 days 13 – 15 hours 45 – 50 minutes

Recovering Fatigue: Dormancy

Dormancy is a rest that lasts 8 hours or more without arduous activity – including activities of physical, mental, or emotional stress. If a period of dormancy is interrupted with arduous activity, the fatigue recovery will be only partially effective with the percentage of the effect based on the amount of rest earned.

Full dormancy will fully recover fatigue. The rate for healing Clot during this time is reduced to Clot3 turns.  The fatigue timer is paused during this time and the tick of the hunger timer is slowed to every 2 hours. For interrupted dormancy, the hunger and fatigue timers work as normal (no slowing or pausing) and the amount of recovered fatigue is based on 1 per hour.

The benefits of 100% dormancy will only apply once in any 24-hour span.

Recovering Fatigue: Short Rest

Fatigue can be reduced by 1 for every hour of rest. The fatigue timer does not pause during this time.

Recovering Hunger: Nourishment

Eating food can alter characters in three different ways depending on quantity and quality of the food: modify the Hunger Timer, reduce Hunger vim, add/replace a mandatory condition

Eating food will reduce an amount of Hunger depending the Food Quality. For each portion of Rounded Food a character eats, they remove a marker from Hunger and place it back to Life Support. On the other hand, it takes five portions of Desperate Food to remove a marker from Hunger and place it back to Life Support.

Units Required to Reduce 1 Hunger (Characters can consume a number of units = Max Vim)
Food Quality Ratio
Rounded (nutritious) 1 to 1
Square (fairly nutritious) 2 to 1
Junk (not very nutritious) 3 to 1
Substandard (barely nutritious) 5 to 1
Suggested Unit Sizes for Humans
Type Units
Heavy Meal 18
Meal 12
Light Meal 9
Heavy Snack 6
Snack 3
Light Snack 1

Real-world Food Examples

Description Example Units -Hunger
Rounded Heavy Meal Pasta Primavera 18 18
Rounded Meal Luxury Salad 12 12
Rounded Light Meal Fish Tacos 9 9
Rounded Heavy Snack Power Bar 6 6
Rounded Snack Fruit 3 3
Rounded Light Snack Almonds 1 1
Square Heavy Meal Burrito 18 9
Square Meal Lasagna 12 6
Square Light Meal Fish Tacos 9 9
Square Heavy Snack Fruit Salad 6 3
Square Snack PB Crackers 3 1.5
Square Light Snack Trail Mix 1 .5
Junk Heavy Meal Cheese Casserole 18 4.5
Junk Meal Fishsticks 12 3
Junk Light Meal Pizza Rolls 9 2.25
Junk Heavy Snack Cake 6 1.5
Junk Snack Cookies 3 .75
Junk Light Snack Potato Chips 1 .25
Substandard Heavy Meal Grainpaste 18 3.6
Substandard Meal Pet Food 12 2.4
Substandard Light Meal Rotten Food 9 1.8
Substandard Heavy Snack Treebark Soup 6 1.2
Substandard Snack Livestock Feed 3 .6
Substandard Light Snack Grass Clippings 1 .2