Typically, if a scene calls for conflict, the Setting Sheet will designate zones for the scene. These zones can be drawn on paper though it’s recommended to use 3″ by 5″ index cards.
For each zone, write its name on an index card (feel free to cross out names and reuse the cards). These zones should then be laid out in away that lines up like a map, to track movement from one to the next. Only reveal the zones that the protagonist(s) can see. Use unique tokens to represent the characters and place them on the cards. Character placement on the card does not matter as all characters are considered to be within Immediate Range to other characters in the same zone. As the protagonist(s) move from zone to zone, reveal new zones that they can see along with any other characters, props, or other scene elements.
Each zone can typically hold up to 4 “Human-sized” characters at one time; this is known as full-capacity. It is possible to hold more (maximum-capacity is 8), but it would be considered “tightly packed“. Everyone within a “tightly packed” zone has a difficulty of +2 on all of their Move, Labor, and Operate actions. If a zone is at or excels full-capacity then anyone within an adjacent zone is considered to be in immediate range with anyone in that full-capacity zone (and visa-versa). “Huge-sized” creatures take up a whole zone and follow the same rules as a zone at full-capacity.
For large open places with lots of zones, it is suggested to use a grid or checker board. Again, each square represents a zone and can hold multiple characters.
For narrow places, where only one or two characters can fit side-by-side, write down the number that designates “full capacity” (max-capacity would be twice that number and considered “tightly packed”).