Samples of Generic Humans (version 0.0.3)

Will – using energy to withstand temptations, trauma, and mental states Cypher (Matrix) Smeagol (Lord of the Rings)  Communicate – using methods to invoke feelings or understanding in another Neo (Matrix) Quirinus Quirrell (Harry Potter) Think– using the mind to think, compute, and process Jayne Cobb (Firefly) Ron Weasley (Harry Potter) Labor – using the … Read moreSamples of Generic Humans (version 0.0.3)


Each time the players get together to make progress in the story.

Setting Crafting Instructions

To craft a setting you will need a writing utensil, a SettingSmithy worksheet, and clarity about your setting. You may also want some scrap paper to doodle some test maps before you draw the real one on the sheet. The SettingSmithy Sheet Setting Identification The top line of the SettingSmithy worksheet is for identifying the … Read moreSetting Crafting Instructions

Setting Overview

Beneath the growth in a long-abandoned barn, a trapdoor leads to a secret weapon from a bygone era. “Radiant Gorge” is home to hundreds of large, metallic statues which reflect sunlight throughout the canyon. The depot colony, Modestiny, is alive with the bustling of industry as cargo ships pick up and drop off containers before … Read moreSetting Overview

Speed Stage

A speed stage is an abstract time frame within a round used to determine when actions are resolved.

Starting a New Story

Starting a brand new story can be daunting if you don’t know where to begin. If you don’t have a story to start, you may want to review The Story chapter for how to obtain one. You will also need some players. If you don’t yet have players lined up, then consider who among friends and … Read moreStarting a New Story

StoryHammer Goal

While most games have winners and losers, players of StoryHammer should consider themselves all on the same team, including the Narrator who controls the actions of the antagonists. The goal is to navigate characters through a story. Even in failing the objectives within the story, the narrative continues. In StoryHammer, winning the game is achieved … Read moreStoryHammer Goal