Tracking Zones

To keep track of zones during conflict, StoryHammer suggests using index cards. Break the scene down into various zones by naming them (e.g. “warehouse office”, “Courtyard: Northwest corner”, “Plains 1B”, etc.). For each zone, write it’s name on an index card. These zones should then be laid out in away that lines up like a … Read moreTracking Zones

Using Game Materials

Each Lead should have one Protagonist Sheet, one Vim Tracking Sheet, about 25 counters, and a Probability Deck. Players may use pencil & paper instead of counters, if necessary. The Narrator will have the story at hand and should try to keep it and related information concealed from the Leads. Index cards are very useful … Read moreUsing Game Materials

Using Maps

Maps can be helpful tools and are especially crucial for Narrators. There are times where it could enhance the Lead’s experiences and times when it could zap out all the suspense and intrigue. Here are some tricks to help determine when you should use maps during the story and to what extent. Narrator’s should always … Read moreUsing Maps


Vim is the potential energy produced by bioforms.


Volume refers to the dimensional space that an object takes up or contains.


A zone is a three dimensional area that is considered large enough that all characters within are in Immediate range of each other.